Journey with Us: Our Story of Mistakes, Success, and Building a Dream Home


Welcome to our blog! We’re Jamie and Jenn, and we are on the exciting journey of building our custom dream home. After successfully selling our second whole house renovation, we have decided to take on the challenge of creating the home of our dreams from the ground up. This blog will be a platform for us to share our experiences, mistakes, successes, and everything in between as we navigate the process of building our dream home. We invite you to join us on this adventure and hope that our story inspires you to pursue your own dreams of home ownership.

Why We’re Making the Leap to Build a Custom Home

Embarking on the journey to build a custom home represents the fulfillment of a lifelong ambition for us. Our past renovations, while rewarding, often felt like navigating within the confines of someone else's blueprint. In deciding to construct from the ground up, we're seizing the chance to shape a living space that mirrors our deepest aspirations and desires. This venture opens up a realm of possibilities – allowing us to select a locale that speaks to our souls, to integrate innovative, sustainable building practices, and to craft an environment that supports our way of life both now and into the future. It's about more than just aesthetics; it's about creating a foundation for our family's stories, a place where every corner and crevice resonates with our personal touch. Through this process, we're not just constructing walls and roofs but weaving our values, dreams, and visions into a tangible form that we'll call home.

Lessons Learned from Our Renovation Projects

Through our renovation ventures, we've collected a toolkit of insights and strategies crucial for embarking on the custom home-building journey. One of the most pivotal lessons has been the art of meticulous planning. Anticipating the unforeseen and having contingency plans has proven to be invaluable. We've mastered the balancing act of maintaining our vision while being adaptable, understanding that sometimes, what works on paper doesn't translate in reality. Our experiences have honed our skills in budget management, highlighting the importance of allocating funds for unexpected expenses to avoid compromising on quality or design. Collaboration has been another key takeaway. Building strong, communicative relationships with our contractors and design team has not only smoothed the process but also enriched our project outcomes, ensuring our renovation efforts reflect our vision accurately. These lessons are the bedrock upon which we plan to build our dream home, ensuring a process that's as seamless and fulfilling as the vision we're working to realize.

Designing Our Dream Home: Vision Meets Reality

Embarking on the design phase of our custom home has been a whirlwind of creativity and decision-making. We've delved deep into architectural styles that resonate with our lifestyle, while also wrestling with the minutiae of selecting finishes and fixtures that reflect our personal style. It's been a journey marked by late-night Pinterest sessions, deep discussions with our design team, and the occasional compromise when reality checks in. We've approached every decision with the intent of ensuring our home not only looks beautiful but functions seamlessly for our day-to-day life. Navigating this path has required a fine balance between our dream aesthetics and practical considerations, such as sustainability and technology integration. The process has been a vivid illustration of how our vision is transforming into a tangible reality, piece by piece. It's an exhilarating phase where every choice brings us one step closer to the realization of our dream home.

The Ups and Downs of Building a Custom Home

Embarking on the creation of a custom home is a journey punctuated by an array of challenges and triumphs. Throughout this process, we've faced our fair share of unexpected hurdles - from delays due to weather conditions to the discovery of issues during construction that required swift, costly solutions. These setbacks often led to moments of doubt and frustration, challenging our patience and resilience. Yet, it's these very challenges that have enriched our journey, teaching us invaluable lessons about flexibility, problem-solving, and the importance of maintaining a positive outlook in the face of adversity.

On the flip side, the journey has been filled with numerous high points that have brought us immense joy and satisfaction. Witnessing our ideas and plans materialize into physical form is an indescribably rewarding experience. Celebrating milestones, whether it's the completion of the foundation or the installation of the roof, provides us with a sense of achievement and motivates us to keep moving forward. These moments of success not only validate our efforts but also remind us of the beauty and excitement inherent in the process of creating a space tailored to our dreams and needs.

Navigating through these ups and downs has been a testament to our determination and commitment to this project. Each challenge faced and overcome, and every triumph savored, brings us closer to the realization of our dream home, making every step of this journey worthwhile.

Sharing Our Progress: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

As we forge ahead with our custom home journey, we're opening our doors wide to give you a candid look behind the scenes. From the thrill of selecting the perfect kitchen tiles to the stress of unexpected construction delays, we're laying it all bare. Our commitment to honesty means you'll get a firsthand account of every aspect - the celebrations when we hit major milestones, and the grit needed to tackle the inevitable hurdles. Through blog updates, photos, and maybe even some video diaries, we'll bring you into our world of home creation. It's not just about showcasing the glossy, magazine-worthy moments but also the real, raw experiences that are part and parcel of making a dream home a reality. Join us as we navigate the complexities of building from scratch, with all the messy, beautiful, and chaotic moments it entails. We hope our story encourages you, challenges you, and maybe even makes you laugh as we journey towards the completion of our dream home.


Blueprints Reveal: Our Key Meeting with Custom Home Builders